Improve daily QC processing workflow on the DxC 700 AU and AU 5800 with BioRad InteliQ QC samples | Beckman Coulter

Improve daily QC processing workflow on the DxC 700 AU

Laboratories are looking for ways to improve the QC workflow, reduce time and eliminate errors without compromising on the accuracy and timeliness of producing patient results.
Improve daily QC processing workflow on the DxC 700 AU

Quality Control Product

Improve daily QC processing workflow with BioRad InteliQ QC load and go controls

Performing Quality Control (QC) processes is an integral component in the laboratory’s Quality Management System. The QC process monitors and verifies that laboratory instruments are performing optimally. However, the daily task of performing QC can be time-consuming, labor intensive, costly and prone to error. Laboratories are looking for ways to improve the QC workflow, reduce time and eliminate errors without compromising on the accuracy and timeliness of producing patient results.


Laboratories are looking for ways to improve the QC workflow, reduce time and eliminate errors without compromising on the accuracy and timeliness of producing patient results.

Bio-Rad's InteliQ Quality Control are designed to allow load-and-go capabilities for clinical chemistry instruments. Once the tube is placed in a QC rack on the instrument, the instrument runs the appropriate tests without requiring operator intervention. InteliQ controls enables laboratory operators to eliminate repetitive tasks and reduces potential manual errors.

Bio-Rad and Beckman Coulter worked collaboratively to assess the workflow benefits of using InteliQ chemistry controls on a Beckman Coulter DxC 700 AU System. The controls were placed into QC designated instrument racks and stored off-board in the refrigerator for use as needed. Using the load-and-go process, the QC rack was placed directly on the instrument for the daily QC processing.

The objectives of the study were to assess the functionality of the InteliQ controls using the load-and-go process on the DxC 700 AU, and to identify workflow efficiencies (reduction in QC processing steps and time savings) compared to laboratory’s current QC method and processes.

Bio-Rad's InteliQ Quality Control, when used with a modified load-and-go process in combination with the Beckman Coulter DxC 700 AU advanced QC capability, demonstrated an average time savings of 60% when compared to the laboratory’s current process. Much of the time savings came from elimination of the labor-intensive tasks of identifying control material, aliquoting controls into sample cups, and manually programming QC runs. In addition, the InteliQ process could potentially reduce pour-off errors, reduce costs associated with disposables and waste removal, and eliminate errors and rework due to manual entry of QC analyte information entered into systems.

In conclusion, Bio-Rad's InteliQ Quality Control, together with the Beckman Coulter DxC 700 AU, can help laboratories increase efficiency and maximize workflows by providing easy to use, load-and-go quality controls.

Julie (Sompong) Medina
Julie (Sompong) Medina
Julie Medina (Sompong) is a product marketing manager with over 15 years of experience in the Diagnostics Industry with roles in Chemistry Research & Development. Currently, Julie manages Clinical Chemistry & Immunoassay Product Marketing for North American region. She has a BS in Biological Sciences from California State University, Fullerton.

BIO-RAD is a trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. 


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