Beckman Coulter Compliance Program | Beckman Coulter

Beckman Coulter Compliance Program

As part of our continued efforts in the area of compliance, Beckman Coulter, Inc has developed a Comprehensive Compliance Program that is in line with the HHS-OIG Compliance Program Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers. Consistent with OIG’s guidance, we have tailored our Comprehensive Compliance Program to the nature of our business as a medical device manufacturer. The medical device industry has established, and Beckman Coulter has adopted, the AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals (AdvaMed Code).

CA Compliance

AdvaMed Code of Ethics
As a member company of The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), Beckman Coulter has adopted and complies with the AdvaMed Code of Ethics. Get more information about the AdvaMed Code of Ethics here

Integrity/Compliance Program
Please go to for a copy of our Code of Conduct, to make a report on the Danaher Integrity and Compliance Helpline, and for details regarding Danaher and its subsidiaries' compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 and the UK Modern Slavery Act.