Product-Specific-Security-Information-Axeda | Beckman Coulter

Product Specific Security Information – Axeda

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Microbiology LabPro Workstation and Database Computers Provided by Beckman Coulter Axeda services were loaded through the Windows 7 and Windows 10 images onto Beckman Coulter Microbiology provided LabPro computers.

Axeda services loaded on LabPro computers are disabled by default. While Axeda services are no longer used or supported, we strongly advise having your IT group remove these services even if currently disabled.

Please note:

  • In Windows 7, “Apps & Features” is called “Programs & Features”.
  • If an uninstallation wizard does not show automatically, it may have an icon in the Windows system tray that needs to be clicked to see it.
  • During uninstallation, the system may request a PC restart. This can be deferred until all Axeda applications have been uninstalled, or it can be performed immediately.

Instructions for the removal of Axeda services on Windows 7 and Windows 10:

  1. If Axeda Gateway (64-bit) appears in the Windows “Apps & Features” list, uninstall it.
  2. If Axeda Desktop Server appears in the Windows “Apps & Features” list, uninstall it. In Windows 7, a wizard will appear; uninstall using the default settings in the wizard.
  3. If Axeda Deployment Utility appears in the Windows “Apps & Features“ list, uninstall it using default settings in the subsequent wizard.
  4. Restart the PC.
  5. Confirm that no Axeda applications remain listed in “Apps & Features”. If so, the Axeda services have been successfully removed.