Decrease probability of sepsis | Beckman Coulter

Identifying a Decreased Probability of
Sepsis Diagnosis

Patient Case Study

In this patient case study, inclusion of MDW (Monocyte Distribution Width) biomarker sepsis screening tool in the patient assessment helped clinicians understand the decreased probability of sepsis, which avoided administration of a broad-spectrum antibiotic and its adverse effects.

Patient arrives at ED

A 58-year-old male with a history of hypertension, chronic kidney disease, coronary artery disease, past stents and congestive heart failure presents to the Emergency Department. Over the past four days, he has experienced shortness of breath and a worsening cough that is exacerbated with exertion. He denies any chest or abdominal pain as well as fever and chills.

10:21 p.m.

Initial Assessment

Respiratory distress with tachypnea and tachycardia.

T: 37.6 | P: 128 | BP: 195/115 | RR: 38 | SpO2: 92 (6LNC)

All vitals assessed were considered abnormal except for temperature.

10:31 p.m.

Patient’s EKG results show sinus tachycardia without ST changes.

10:45 p.m.

Elevated point of care tests returned

Troponin: 0.06 | BNP: 990

Lactate: 4.7

11:15 p.m.

CBC with Differential resulted

WBC 15.3 | MDW 17.1

11:37 p.m.

BMP resulted:

Elevated creatinine of 2.93, which was up from 2.2 three months prior

BUN of 42.

11:46 p.m.

Chest X-ray findings showed ill-defined opacities in both lungs suggesting pulmonary edema or multifocal pneumonia.

Decision to defer antibiotics

The combination of the patient’s elevated WBC, tachycardia and increased respiratory rate meant that SIRS criteria were met. Moreover, SIRS + Lactate of 4.7 and positive chest x-ray were suggestive of multifocal pneumonia. Despite not having confidence that an infection truly existed, there was pressure to start broad-spectrum antibiotics to ensure SEP-1 fallout did not occur.

However, in this case, the MDW was 17.1 – below the threshold of 20 –decreasing the probability of a sepsis diagnosis. As a result, antibiotics were not started as infection, sepsis and bacteremia were not suspected. Abnormal vital signs, elevated WBC and lactate were attributed to acute decompensated heart failure.

“Inclusion of MDW helped us avoid unnecessary administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics and exposing our patient to its adverse effects, when the underlying cause of patient's respiratory distress was decompensated heart failure.”

Watch Dr. Sarani present this specific emergency department case study.


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Disclaimer: This case study is presented for educational purposes only and may not reflect a typical patient triage process.