Clinical Chemistry Webinars

Westgard changes 2024

Changes to CLIA 2024 — Opportunities to Optimize Lab Quality and Reduce Costs


The Role of Antipsychotic Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Clinical Decision Making: Example of Clozapine

Chronic Kidney Disease: Prevalence, Risks and Strategies to Improve Diagnosis and Outcomes

P.A.C.E. Credit*

6-acetyl Morphine and Buprenorphine Testing: New Useful Assays in the Opiate Crisis

P.A.C.E. Credit*
*Beckman Coulter Inc. is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program. These credits are recognized by the State of California. Most programs also provide State of Florida credits (with valid license number). At this time, we cannot issue continuing education credits for those who provide healthcare (or work for an institution that provides healthcare) in Massachusetts or Vermont.