Innovations in Multivariate Hematology Analysis | Beckman Coulter

Innovations in Multivariate Hematology Analysis


In this on-demand webinar, Dr. Gert-Jan van de Geijn, renowned hematology expert, researcher and industry leader, discusses new chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) test parameters that better discriminate between bacterial and non-bacterial acute exacerbation. Dr. van de Geijn shares how neutro/lympho ratios and basophils (measured by flow) combined with current C-reactive protein (CRP) tests enable more accurate bacterial detection in COPD patients. 

After viewing this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Assess options based on the limitations of current differentiation tests (e.g., sputum culture and CRP)
  • Apply multivariate analysis results from hematology and flow cytometry technologies to increase specificity
  • Combine tests to improve prediction of bacterial exacerbation in COPD patients to help reduce antibiotic resistance

For more insight, watch a recorded Q&A session that followed the live webinar. 

Presenter: Gert-Jan van de Geijn, Ph.D., has nearly 20 years of experience in hematology and laboratory medicine. He is a specialist in multiple technologies related to cellular analysis, including both flow cytometry and molecular biological techniques. He has published and contributed to more than 30 research articles. Currently, Dr. van de Geijn is a research coordinator for the Department of Clinical Chemistry at Franciscus Gasthius Hospital, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.