Sepsis Overview: Challenges and Solutions for Laboratories | Beckman Coulter

Sepsis Overview: Challenges and Solutions for Laboratories

Sepsis is a global healthcare crisis, striking 30 million people a year.1 The number of severe sepsis cases is growing at an estimated annual rate of 1.5%.2 Between 30% and 50% of those with severe sepsis die, which is more people than those who die from prostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer and AIDS combined.3,4

Research shows that early intervention and diagnosis can reduce sepsis-specific mortality. Each hour of delay in the initiation of effective antibiotic administration increases sepsis mortality by almost 8%.5 Identifying sepsis can be very challenging, however.

View this on-demand webinar to hear Mirta Gamez, MT(ASCP), CLS, explore the laboratory’s role in clinical sepsis diagnosis and treatment. 

After attending this webinar, you will be able to:
  • Articulate the basic etiology of sepsis and its impact on healthcare
  • Identify the challenges that affect the rapid diagnosis of sepsis
  • Guide how—and when—common sepsis biomarkers are used for detection and monitoring, including:
    • C-reactive protein
    • Procalcitonin
    • Lactate
    • Monocyte Distribution Width parameter
    • IG (immature granulocyte)
  • Advise on the role of the laboratory in sepsis diagnosis and management

Ideal For: Laboratory Technician, Laboratory Manager, Laboratory Director

Presenter: Mirta Gamez, MT(ASCP), CLS

Mirta Gamez attended the University of Arizona, where she obtained degrees in both molecular and cellular biology, and health sciences. Over the span of 20 years, she started, supervised and grew large and small laboratories in the areas of flow cytometry, molecular diagnostics and hematology. After holding a position as a field product technical specialist for Beckman Coulter, Mirta transitioned to the global hematology marketing team, where she assists in developing and marketing instrumentation. Her favorite days are those when she is “back in her element” and “on the tile” with customers.

1Sepsis Alliance. “Sepsis Fact Sheet.” Accessed: 10 April 2019.
2Angus, DC et al. “Epidemiology of severe sepsis in the United States: analysis of incidence, outcome, and associated costs of care.” Crit Care Med, vol. 29, 2001, pp. 1303-10.
3Kumar G A et al. “Nationwide Trends of Severe Sepsis in the twenty First Century (2000-2007). Chest, 2011;16:1223–1231. doi: 10.1378/chest.11–0352.
4Hall MJ, Williams SJ, DeFrances CJ, Golosinsky A. “Inpatient Care for Septicemia or Sepsis: a Challenge for Patients and Hospitals.” June 2011.
5Kumar A, Roberts D, Wood KE et al. “Duration of Hypotension Before Initiation of Effective Antimicrobial Therapy is the Critical Determinant of Survival in Human Septic Shock.” Crit Care Med, vol. 34. 2006, pp. 1589–96.