Hematology Research Parameters | Beckman Coulter

Hematology Research Parameters

Hematology research parameters are ‘for research use only’ and provide new insights into red and white blood cell morphology. They can enable a variety of scientific research studies and provide research information about blood components and disorders. For detailed studies with unique and rich data sets, hematology research parameters include extended 3D scatter plots and numerical-value assignment of cell subpopulations with characteristic shapes.

Research Use Only (RUO) Parameters*

Hematology research only parameters are not for diagnostic purposes. Researchers around the globe use hematology research parameters in scientific research studies to better understand cellular morphological changes.

*Research Use Only. Not for use in In Vitro Diagnostic procedures.

Early Granulated Cells

What is the Early Granulated Cells Parameter?

  • Early Granulated Cells (@EGC) comprise young granulocytes, specifically promyelocytes, myelocytes and metamyelocytes. Researchers also refer to @EGC as immature granulocytes (IG), cells that have not fully developed in the bone marrow before being released into the bloodstream1
  • Early granulocytes are enumerated from the differential measurement in cell volume (V), high-frequency conductivity (C) and five laser-light scatter angles (S) volume conductivity scatter (VCS) technology. Expressed as a percentage of total WBC events or as N X 103 cells/μL
Parameter Method Description
@EGC Derived from DIFF measurement in VCS technology Early Granulated Cell Percent
  • Early granulocytes enumerated from the DIFF VCS technology
  • Expressed as a percentage of total WBC events
@EGC# Calculated Early Granulated Cell Absolute Count
  • @EGC# = (@EGC × WBC)/100
  • Expressed as N × 103 cells/μL

How is @EGC used in research?

  • @EGCs are associated with a variety of physiological and pathological conditions
  • If Immature Granulocytes are present in the blood, they may be viewed as one of the “Research Use Only” parameters and may be included in the CBC-Diff analysis
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Red Blood Cell Size Factor

What is the Red Blood Cell Size Factor Parameter?

  • Red Blood Cell Size Factor (@RSf) may be used to characterize the size of red blood cells across the continuum of cell maturation, including immature and mature erythrocytes
  • @RSf is a parameter that combines the volume of erythrocytes and the volume of reticulocytes @RSf = square root (MCV × MRV)
Parameter Method Description
@RSF Calculated Red Blood Cell Size Factor
  • Characterizes the red cell size

How is @RSf used in research?

  • @RSf aids in the assessment of state of erythropoiesis
  • Because reticulocytes are larger than RBCs, @RSf increases as the proportion of reticulocytes increases2
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Low Hemoglobin Density

What is the Low Hemoglobin Density Parameter?

  • Low Hemoglobin Density (@LHD) is derived from CBC analysis and is based on calculation from Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
  • If MCHC is corrected, then @LHD uses the corrected value of MCHC
Parameter Method Description
@LHD Calculated Low Hemoglobin Density
  • Where d and Q are constants
  • Uses the corrected MCHC, when appropriate
  • Expressed as a percentage

How is @LHD used in research?

  • @LHD aids in understanding erythropoiesis status and may help identify the presence of hypochromic red blood cells
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Unghosted Red Cells

What is the Unghosted Red Cells Parameter?

  • Unghosted Red Cells (@UGC) are derived from reticulocyte analysis using VCS technology
  • It represents red cells that are incompletely cleared of hemoglobin (HGB) in preparation for the reticulocyte (RET) analysis in VCS technology
  • @UGC is expressed as a percentage of total Red Blood Count (RBC) events or as N × 103 cells/μL1
Parameter Method Description
@UGC Derived from RET measurements in VCS technology Unghosted Red Cell Percent
  • Red cells that are incompletely cleared of hemoglobin enumerated from the RET in VCS technology
  • Expressed as a percentage of total RBC events
@UGC# Derived from RET measurements in VCS technology Unghosted Red Cell Absolute Number
  • @UGC# = (@UGC × RBC)/100
  • Expressed as N × 106 cells/μL

How @UGC used in research?

  • @UGC is used to identify samples with abnormal RBC morphology (for example target cells) and/or RBCs with abnormal HGB
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Microcytic Anemia Factor

What is the Microcytic Anemia Factor Parameter?

  • Microcytic Anemia Factor (@MAF) is derived from CBC analysis and is based on calculation from HGB and MCV
  • If HGB and/or Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) is corrected, then @MAF uses the corrected values of HGB and MCV
  • Expressed without a unit label
Parameter Method Description
@MAF Calculated Microcytic Anemia Factor
  • @MAF = (HGB × MCV)/100
  • Uses the corrected HGB and/or MCV, when appropriate
  • Expressed without a unit label

How is @MAF used in research?

  • The @MAF calculation accounts for both cell size and hemoglobin content3
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Mean Sphered Cell Volume

What is the Mean Sphered Cell Volume Parameter?

  • Mean Sphered Cell Volume (@MSCV) is derived from reticulocyte analysis in VCS technology
  • It represents the mean volume of all sphered red cells (erythrocytes and reticulocytes) that are cleared of HGB in preparation for reticulocyte measurements (this preparation includes treatment with new methylene blue stain and hypoosmotic solution in strictly controlled conditions)
Parameter Method Description
@MSCV Derived from RET measurements in VCS technology Mean Sphered Cell Volume
  • Sphered red cells that are cleared of HGB in preparation for Retic measurements
  • Expressed in femtoliters (fL)

How is @MSCV used in research?

  • Can compare @MSCV with the Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) under hypo-osmotic conditions to investigate the behavior of some RBCs4

  • @MSCV aids in understanding physiology of spherocytes in peripheral blood


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Our Advanced Hematology Research Parameters Offer:

• Additional parameters that correspond to cell size and anisocytosis, internal composition of the cell and nucleus to cytoplasm ratio, granularity of the cytoplasm, and lobularity of the nucleus
• Multi-dimensional cellular analysis allowing for better identification of abnormal cells
• Proprietary data synthesis to yield deeper insights into cellular behavior

For research use only. Not for diagnostic purposes.

Hematology Laboratory Research

Continue Your Hematology Parameter Research

Download the DxH RUO Parameter Instructions for Use, which provides detailed information on how to review and access these parameters on DxH hematology analyzer.


Research Use Only. Not for use in In Vitro Diagnostic procedures.


  1. The Cleveland Clinic. Granulocytes: Definition, Types & Function. November 5, 2021. Accessed December 13, 2023. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/22016-granulocytes 
  2.  Urrechaga E. Clinical Utility of the New Beckman-Coulter Parameter Red Blood Cell Size Factor in the study of erithropoiesis. Int J Lab Hematol. 2009;31(6):623-629. doi:10.1111/j.1751-553X.2008.01088.x
  3.  Urrechaga E. Microcytic Anemia factor (MAf) in the Study of Iron Metabolism. Unpublished. 2010. doi:10.13140/rg.2.2.28543.00167
  4.  Chiron M, Cynober T, Mielot F, Tchernia G, Croisille L. The GEN.S: A Fortuitous Finding of a Routine Screening Test for Hereditary Spherocytosis. Hematol Cell Ther. 1999;41(3):113-116. doi:10.1007/s00282-999-0113-8