Fructosamine Liquid Assay | Beckman Coulter

Fructosamine Liquid Assay

The Fructosamine Liquid assay from Beckman Coulter features liquid, ready-to-use reagents, providing flexibility, immediate access and ease of use. The Fructosamine Liquid assay has a reagent onboard stability of 28 days and a calibration stability of 7 days.

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Prevalence of Diabetes

In 2019, approximately 463 million adults age 20-79 years were living with diabetes. This number is estimated to grow to 700 million by 2045 .1 Diabetes is among the most common causes of hyperglycemia, which can lead to serious complications requiring emergency care.2 If left unchecked in the long term, hyperglycemia can damage various body organs, leading to the development of disabling and life-threatening health complications.

What is Fructosamine?

Fructosamine is a glycated protein that can be used to monitor the degree of glycemia in people with diabetes over short-to-intermediate time frames (1-3 weeks). A fructosamine concentration larger than the established normal range is an indication of prolonged hyperglycemia of 1-3 weeks or longer. Fructosamine is beneficial in situations where HbA1c testing does not accurately reflect average glycemia, and when monitoring glycemic control over 2-3 weeks.3

The Fructosamine Liquid Assay

Fructosamine, in its ketoaminic form, reduces in an alkaline medium the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) to formazan. The reaction rate, photometrically measured, is directly proportional to the concentration of the fructosamine present in the examined sample.

The Fructosamine Liquid assay features:

  • Liquid, ready-to-use reagents, providing flexibility, immediate access, and ease of use
  • Reagent onboard stability of 28 days
  • Calibration stability of 7 days

Now available on the AU480, AU680, AU5800, and DxC 700 AU clinical chemistry analyzers.

Learn more about the precision, test principle and features of the Fructosamine Liquid assay.

Data Sheet Fructosamine Liquid

Learn more about the precision, test principle and features of the Fructosamine Liquid assay.


Comprehensive Diabetes Testing

Identification and monitoring begin with accurate testing. Laboratories need an easy-to-use comprehensive menu of diabetes chemistry assays that is simple to install, operate and integrate with existing testing workflows.

1Diabetes facts & figures. (2020, December 20). Retrieved November 10, 2020, from

2Hyperglycemia in Diabetes. (2020, June 27). Retrieved November 10, 2020, from

3Rifai, N. (2018). Ch 57 Diabetes Mellitus. In Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics (6th ed.). Elsevier.