Sepsis Diagnosis and Management in the Lab | Beckman Coulter

Global Impact of Sepsis

Sepsis, a life-threatening organ dysfunction, is caused by a dysregulated host immune response to infection. Sepsis affects more than 49 million people worldwide.1 Identifying the root cause of infection and optimizing antibiotic use is essential to ensure a successful outcome, reduce adverse antibiotic effects, and prevent antibiotic resistance.2
A life-threatening syndrome
  • A dysregulated immune response to infection
  • Requires immediate treatment
  • Can progress to septic shock and lead to organ dysfunction and death
A global healthcare crisis
  • Responsible for more than 11 M global deaths, annually1
  • The leading cause of hospital readmissions3
  • Accounts for more hospitalization costs than any other disease4
A treatable condition
  • Early and appropriate administration of antibiotics decreases sepsis mortality
  • Prompt antibiotics administration improves sepsis outcomes

The Sepsis Patient Pathway Is Complicated

Let Beckman Coulter Solutions Be Your Guide

Sepsis can cause devastating patient consequences and drive significant healthcare costs. Timely administration of antibiotics to patients with sepsis decreases the likelihood of death. Supporting better patient outcomes across their journey requires a broad and comprehensive approach.

See one patient’s journey from initial assessment in the Emergency Department through treatment in the Intensive Care Unit to eventual discharge.

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Knowledge in Practice

For septic patients, IVD testing is crucial to support effective treatment. Testing can be done using many different biomarkers and systems belonging to different laboratory disciplines.
What if you could act faster and avoid patient health deterioration? Watch these on-demand webinars to learn more about the tools used to identify
sepsis to bring treatments to patients faster.

Supporting Better Outcomes for All Patients

Timely treatment is the foundation to successful sepsis intervention, so early sepsis diagnosis is critical. Learn more about our commitment to
early sepsis diagnosis and antimicrobial stewardship.

One of the main concerns on the management of patients with sepsis and septic shock is the augmentation of antimicrobial efficacy, while preventing the emergence of resistant strains during treatment.
Martinez et al.2


Explore Solutions for Sepsis Patient Management

1. Rudd KE, Johnson SC, Agesa KM, et al. Global, regional, and national sepsis incidence and mortality, 1990-2017: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet. 2020;395(10219):200-211. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32989-7

2. Martínez ML, Plata-Menchaca EP, Ruiz-Rodríguez JC, Ferrer R. An approach to antibiotic treatment in patients with sepsis. J Thorac Dis. 2020;12(3):1007-1021. doi:10.21037/jtd.2020.01.47

3. Fact Sheets | Sepsis Alliance. 2023. Accessed August 10, 2023.

4. Perman SM, Goyal M, Gaieski DF. Initial emergency department diagnosis and management of adult patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:41. doi:10.1186/1757-7241-20-41